Miniature sisal, mill treat cotton, and untreated cotton buffing wheels for tackling those hard to reach areas. These specialty airway buffing wheels are normally reserved for use in polishing cutlery; Spectrum has imported these especially for tackling challenging areas like under heavy truck cabs, between fuel tanks and fenders, and even on items like turbo housings. Single buffs are mounted via our new custom flanges, or two buffs by combining these flanges with our arbor extenders Made in the European Union!
Regular price $16.99 USD

Product details

  • Type Airway Buffing Wheel
  • Vendor Hilzinger-Thum
  • Origin European Union
  • Material Various
  • Construction Various
  • Purpose Various
  • Outside Diameter 5 in
  • Inside Diameter 19 mm
  • Max RPMs 3,000

Miniature sisal, mill treat cotton, and untreated cotton buffing wheels for tackling those hard to reach areas.

These specialty airway buffing wheels are normally reserved for use in polishing cutlery; Spectrum has imported these especially for tackling challenging areas like under heavy truck cabs, between fuel tanks and fenders, and even on items like turbo housings. Each measures 127mm (5") x 19mm, with the center rings extending only 2 inches from tooth to tooth; single buffs are mounted via our new miniature flanges, or two to three buffs by combining these flanges with our arbor extenders (this provides a similar buffing face to that of a full size 10" or 12" buff). While easily used with a small variable speed grinder (like one of our favourite sanding tools, the Dewalt DWE43240INOX), these buffs can be used on drills or flex-shaft tools with commonly available 5/8"-11 adapters.

Recommended use cases:

  • Light blue dip treat sisal: heavy cut down operations on stainless steel and harder aluminum/brass alloys. Capable of cutting down unsanded cast aluminum with relative ease.
  • Yellow mill treat: primary cut on aluminum and brass, secondary cut on stainless.
  • Untreated cotton: mirror finishing on all metals.

Hilzinger Max RPM: 5" x 19mm = 3000 RPM

Please note that while prototypes of these miniature buffing wheels are regularly used at speeds up to 8,000 RPM, Hilzinger-Thum/Hilzinger America will not warranty buffing wheels run at excessive speeds. Do so at your own risk.

Hilzinger-Thum has been making buffing and grinding tools for over 120 years and is one of the few companies recommended by Menzerna for buffing wheels. Hilzinger-Thum utilizes the highest grade sisal fibers and specialty high-quality cotton textiles, achieving significantly higher density and durability in their buffing tools. They even have a public-private partnership in a sisal estate in Tanzania, where local farmers are paid fair wages for this valuable crop. Buff will need to be raked prior to initial use. Does not include a center reducer plate. Requires the use of special miniature self-centering safety flanges. Industrial grade.